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Raina Roche

As I stated in a my first post, I only got into Jiu Jitsu for my parents. When I joined, I had no intentions to compete at all, I didn't even really think about it. After about four months of training, one of my coaches suggested that I compete in an upcoming tournament. (Cool fact - the tournament is coming around again on 11/2/19 in Milwaukee. I can't wait). I agreed, but again, I was doing something for someone else. Don't get it confused, I was excited, I just had no intention of competing for a while, if ever. A couple of weeks after that, it was competition day. I was insanely nervous, but I had amazing people talking to me and helping me work through it.

In my opinion, the most fun part about competitions is the build up. Coming up with a game plan, rolling with my teammates, attending classes, and going over film. The scariest part about competitions is the worry about whether or not you are going to win or if you would let your teammates down if you would lose. I've found that in my gym/school, they are always proud no matter what. They just want you to do your best.

The one thing I figured out during that day, is it doesn't really matter if I win or lose because I found something out about myself. I love competing! I love putting what I know and what I've learned to the test. I know that every time I leave a tournament, win or lose, I will never really be disappointed because if I try my best and lose, I know what I need to work on. If I win, then I am able to build on the things that worked. I am lucky to have a coach that breaks down the films to help me grow either way. I also have a teammate (Colin) that says, "win or learn," which is the perfect attitude for competition.

If you are wondering whether or not you should compete, I say just go for it. You just might learn something out about yourself.

I hope you all enjoyed this week!😜


Grappling Industries (Milwaukee)

November 2018

1st Tournament

IBJJF Kids International (Las Vegas)

August 2019

3rd Place

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