September 21, 2019 Hello. I’m Raina. I’m a 13-year-old girl, who happens to be caught up in the world of Jiu-Jitsu.

I’ll start with how and why I started Jiu Jitsu. I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to do it. My father wanted me to, and somehow…convinced my mother to let me.
I went every Tuesday and Thursday, to please my parents.
I did enjoy it and I started to want to go I slowly started to go more and more, getting caught up in the tournaments and just enjoying it.
Although, the reason I started was to make my parents happy, the reason I stayed was for myself.
I met amazing people, I found something I love, and quite honestly, I may be addicted too.
I stayed because, even though it’s a lot of hard-work and dedication, I wouldn’t want to do anything else. If there was one thing, I would say to someone contemplating whether or not to join Jiu Jitsu, I’d say, go for it. You might be surprise yourself! MY goal for this blog is to tell you what I did and what I have been doing in Jiu Jitsu. Every week, I will give you all(meaning whoever is reading this) do’s and don’ts or even just my goals, motivations and frustrations with my training and perhaps within my Jiu Jitsu family.
I hope you all enjoy!😜
📷Coach Mat, Collin (teammate/friend), Lorelei (sister), and yours truly
Keep it up. There are so many things martial arts will teach you. Outside of the obvious knowing how to defend yourself. Liz and I love to see all your accomplishments.
Hi Raina. I enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to each new post. I hope one day I can get up there and see you roll.
Love Aunt Karen.